The Circuit Grants Policy was adopted at the Circuit Meeting on Monday 17th March 2025.
Click here for a copy of The Terms of Reference
Grant Applications forms will be available as soon as a Committee has been set up of Managing Trustees.
Composition of the Circuit Grants Committee
The Grants Committee will be made up of the following people: • Superintendent Minister or their designated representative will act as Chair. • 1 Circuit Steward • Circuit Secretary with responsibility for church Property • Chair of Circuit Finance Group • 1 representative from each church in the Circuit who is a member of the Circuit Meeting, i.e. a Circuit Trustee. Grants will be awarded where there is a minimum of two thirds majority in favour of those voting Substitutes: Where a Church representative is unable to be present then a substitute representative from the church who is also member of the Circuit Meeting may attend and vote. Representatives may not vote on applications made by their own church. 5 No proxy voting is allowed