


Whatever you are seeking here, we pray you will find the reality of God's love in Jesus in your life.



The Chelmsford Methodist Circuit

The Circuit covers an area of mid-Essex from Chelmsford in the west to Braintree and Halstead in the north, Coggeshall and Maldon in the east and South Woodham Ferrers in the south.If you would like to know more about us or the Christian faith, please contact our

Superintendent Minister Rev'd Mark Pengelly




01245 442448

Sunday Service: 11am

Broomfield Methodist Church is situated two miles north of  Chelmsford on the main roadbetween Chelmsford and Braintree. A Methodist presence has been in Broomfield village since the mid 1800’s. The current church building was opened in 1963 replacing a 1911 building. A Church Hall was erected on the site in 1938 and was extensively refurbished in 1999. It is now widely used by local community Groups which also provides a valuable source of income for the Church as well as a community focus. A thriving Play Group meets in the Church Hall each morning during term time and a Mums and Toddler’s group meets each Wednesday and is run by Play Group staff.  The Chelmsford Silver Band practice in our Church Hall on a Wednsday evening; a Dance Group runs classes for a wide range of ages during Saturday and also on Monday evenings for older children. An Irish Dance academy meets on a Thursday evening.  We endeavour to engage local schools in Church events such as our Craft Club and Messy Church activities for children

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